New Software – Schrödinger Suite


We are writing to announce that the Schrödinger Small-Molecule Drug Discovery Suite is now available to UConn faculty, staff, and students on all campuses.

The Schrödinger Suite is chemical simulation software with applications in pharmaceutical and biotechnology research.  Licenses were previously obtained and distributed to interested faculty on a case-by-case basis, but Jose Gascon, Associate Professor in the Department of Chemistry, advocated that this package be centrally managed and provided much more broadly to our community.   ITS, Office of the Vice President for Research (OVPR), College of Liberal Arts and Sciences, School of Pharmacy, UConn Health Department of Molecular Biology and Biophysics, Department of Chemistry, and Department of Molecular and Cell Biology have partnered to fund a university-wide site license.  UConn Software has added the suite to its portfolio for use on institutionally owned equipment as well as on personally owned devices.  It can be downloaded at  For additional information and assistance, contact Rick Portuguez at

Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have comments, questions, or concerns.


Rick Portuguez

Michael R. Mundrane, Ph.D.

Vice Provost for Information Technology and Chief Information Officer

University of Connecticut

Phone: 860.486.1777

MATLAB – Campus License

As of July 1, 2016 the University of Connecticut will offer a campus wide license to MATLAB, Simulink, and companion toolboxes.  The license will cover on-campus and home software use for all instructors, staff, researchers, as well as classroom and lab installations.  Students will also be covered by the campus wide license and will be able to install the software on their personally owned computers.

More information is available here.